1.Motion J Thailand's front headlight guard for the Honda CL-300/CL-500:
Motion J Thailand has designed a variety of front headlight guards specifically for the Honda CL-300/CL-500, providing customers with multiple options to match their preferences and style. The headlight guards are designed to complement the patterns of the CL-300/CL-500 engines in a modern and contemporary fashion.
2.Features of Motion J Thailand Headlight Guard:
Durability and Resilience: Motion J Thailand's headlight guard is designed to protect against damage from rocks or external impacts, ensuring durability.
Beautiful Design: There are several beautiful patterns available that can enhance the aesthetics of your Honda CL-300 and CL-500.
Easy Installation: The headlight guard can be easily installed without the need for special tools.
Material: Steel / Color: Powdercoat (Sand Black)